Tuesday, November 1, 2011

QQC (The book of Numbers)

Question: How will or how much will math change in the far future? For example one of the mathematicians in India had a method that was thought of being right until later another mathematician in France proved his theory was wrong.

Quote: "Remarkably it took thousands of years before anyone worked out that we needed a new number. We needed zero."

Comment: This made me think of math in a different way, it was nice for a change to understand why 0 cant be divided by any number. Math really is the universal language that everyone understands regardless of where they are from. Zero was talked a lot about in this reading which was good because when most people think of 0 they think of nothing but it made an impact on this history of numbers by mathematicians trying thinking deeply about how zero is a number.,

Monday, October 10, 2011


"A flashlights last only so long, a star is in the sky forever."-Keyshawn Johnson

Can this type of mindset apply not only to sports but other subject such as math and English?

I really enjoyed reading this article, I never knew the background stories such as Michael Jordan and Babe Ruth. I would have never of known that Jordan started off as a player who didn't make it in his college basketball team. I always assumed that professional players are just really good. Jordan's story inspired me because I'm sure when he didn't make the cut he probably thought of giving up and that he would never make fulfill his dream. I always get discouraged when I'm bad at something such as math or tennis. Its very easy to just give up.

I also liked how Mia Hamm answered that her tip for being good at soccer was having a strong mindset. When looking at sports people only look at the physical ability of the player but its the strong minds that really win in the end.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

QQC #2

"It's like a trillion hydrogen bombs going off at once"

How often do Supernovaes occur?

I was fascinated by how powerful a supernovae is because if it were to be near earth we would all die, but it just made me think more of beyond earth, such as the galaxy and the millions of stars.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Q.Q.C #1

"The reason for this is that the universe bends, in a way we can't adequately imagine, in conformance with Einstein's theory of relativity. Rather, space curves in a way that allows it to be boundless but infinite.

How will the universe end?

I have always wondered what is outside the universe, I always thought it would be never ending and according to the article it is impossible to look outside the universe because of the way that space curves.